1-2a Go to SWISS-PROT, use full text search with RPL36B and pick this
entry (R36B_YEAST)
1-2b-c the gene is GAL4
1-2d-f follow the links, localisation is nuclear, GAL4_YEAST
1-2g follow the links
1-3a CFTR mutation database
1-5a Genome Net
1-5b KEGG
1-5c EC
1-5d follow the links OXO1_HORVU,
You will also notice that many EMBL entries do not contain links to Swiss-Prot. Therefore, the only way to retrieve the corresponding protein entry is to search Swiss-Prot using the EMBL accession number.
The rest of the exercise can be completed entirely by following links from one Web page to another. There is no single "right" way to do this. In fact, you are encouraged to try alternative routes to the same information.
a. orf->~-CodV->~-CodW->~-CodX->~-CodY->~
five genes are in the entry sequence, the first one is truncated.
b. ~-exon4->~-exon5->~ the first
three exons of this gene are in an other EMBL entry.
c. -2 bp-~intron~-5bp- this
entry contains an intron of a tRNA flanked by really short fragments of
the adjascent exons.