2-Tryptophan and Methionine are only represented by one codon both. This means that any one point mutation will turn them into something else. In contrast, Valine is insensitive to a mutation on the third position.
3-The main diagonal on a substitution matrix is an indicator of the
rate of mutation observed for an amino-acid. A high value indicates that
a residue is likely to remain unchanged throught evolution. Tryptophan
(W) is traditionnally the most conserved residue. This is a constrast with
the genetic code.
This means that the selection of mutation follows rules that are not
only statistical. For instance, the substitution of a tryptohan by some
other residue is often very destabilizing for a protein structure. As a
consequence, even if that type of mutation is frequent, occurences were
the mutation gets selected are very rare.