SAGA: Sequence Alignment by Genetic Algorithm, C. Notredame, D.G. Higgins, Nucleic Acid Research, Vol. 24, 1515-1524, 1996.DOWNLOADING SAGA (VERSION Updated, February 1998)
available in [ps][pdf][html].COFFEE: A New Objective Function For Multiple Sequence Alignmnent. C. Notredame, L. Holme and D.G. Higgins, Bioinformatics, Vol 14 (5) 407-422, 1998
available in [ps][pdf].
The Doc folder contains a documentation in PDF format.
SAGA now also includes the new COFFEE objective function that is based on pairwise alignments consistency. As well as the GA based optimisation, SAGA allows users to do a greedy Tree based optimisation (T-COFFEE) that is much much much faster but less accurate....
I am more than willing to help anybody who wishes to modify/improve SAGA (i.e. insert new OFs, new mutations ....).