Transitive Consistency Score for MSA evaluation


What is TCS?

TCS is an alignment evaluation score that makes it possible to identify in an MSA the most correct positions. It has been shown that these positions are the most likely to be structuraly correct and also the most informative when estimating phylogenetic trees. The TCS evaluation and filtering procedure is implemented in the T-Coffee package and can be used to evaluate and filter any third party multiple sequence alignment (including T-Coffee of course!).

A pre-print is available here and the final publication can be accessed from pubmed.

A powerpoint is available here.

Please Cite:TCS, A new multiple sequence alignment reliability measure to estimate alignment accuracy and improve phylogenetic tree reconstruction. Chang JM, Tommaso PD, Notredame C., MBE (2014), doi: 10.1093/molbev/msu117pubmed



  • The tcs evaluation is a special mode of T-Coffee. To use it, download T-Coffee latest Beta Version or check it out from Github.


Follow the standard T-Coffee installation procedure.


All files used in the following examples can be downloaded from here

Evaluate an existing MSA

t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -output score_ascii, aln, score_html

prot.score_ascii: displays the score of the MSA, the sequences and theresiues. This fille can be used to further filter your MSA with seq_reformat

prot.score_html: displays a colored version score of the MSA, the sequences and the resiues.

Filter unreliable MSA positions

t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -output tcs_residue_filter3, tcs_column_filter3, tcs_residue_lower4

prot.tcs_residue_filter3: All residues with a TCS score lower than 3 are filtered out

prot.tcs_column_filter3: All columns with a TCS score lower than 3 are filtered out

prot.tcs_residue_lower4: All residues with a TCS score lower than 3 are lower cased

Note that all these output functions are also compatible with the default T-Coffee when computing an alignment:

t_coffee -seq prot.fa -output tcs_residue_filter3, tcs_column_filter3, tcs_residue_lower4

Or with seq_reformat using a T-Coffee .score_ascii file

t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in prot.aln -struc_in prot.score_ascii -struc_in_f number_aln -output tcs_residue_filter3

Weight MSA positions for Improved Trees

t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -output tcs_weighted, tcs_replicate_100

prot.tcs_weighted: All columns are duplicated according to their TCS score

prot.tcs_replicate_100:Contains 100 replicates in phylip format with each column drawn with a probability corresponding to its TCS score

Note that all these output functions are also compatible with the default T-Coffee when computing an alignment:

t_coffee -seq prot.fa -output tcs_weighted, tcs_replicate_100

Or with seq_reformat using a T-Coffee .score_ascii file

t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in prot.aln -struc_in prot.score_ascii -struc_in_f number_aln -output tcs_weighted

Work with coding DNA

When working with DNA, it is advisable to first align the sequences at the protein level and later thread back the DNA onto your aligned proteins. The filtering must be done in two steps, as shown below. Note that your DNA and protein sequences must have the same name

t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -output score_ascii

This first step produces the TCS evaluation file prot.score_ascii

t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in prot.aln -in2 dna.fa -struc_in prot.score_ascii -struc_in_f number_aln -output tcs_replicate_100 -out dna.replicates

dna.replicates: 100 DNA replicates with positions selected according to their AA TCS score

t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in prot.aln -in2 dna.fa -struc_in prot.score_ascii -struc_in_f number_aln -output tcs_column_filter5 -out dna.filter

dna.filtered: DNA positions filtered according to their TCS column score

Using Different TCS Libraries

It is possible to change the way TCS reliability is estimated. This can be done by building different T-Coffee libraries. The following instructions will do this.
t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -method proba_pair -output score_ascii, aln, score_html
proba_pair is the default mode of T-Coffee that runs a pair-HMM to populate the library with residue pairs having the best posterior probabilities.
t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -method mafft_msa,kalign_msa,muscle_msa -output score_ascii, aln, score_html
This mode runs a series of fast multiple aligners. It is very fast and used by ENSEMBL Compara
t_coffee -infile prot.aln -evaluate -method clustalw_pair,lalign_id_pair -output score_ascii, aln, score_html
This mode runs the orginal default T-Coffee that was combining local and global alignments.

Summary of the Various Output Flags

-output=score_ascii outputs a TCS evaluation file
-output=tcs_residue_filterN Removes all residues with a TCS score lower than N
-output=tcs_columns_filterN Removes all columns with a TCS score lower than N
-output=tcs_weighted Duplicates all columns according to their TCS scoreN, The output is in Phylips
-output=tcs_replicateN Generates N phylips replicates, with columns drawn according to their TCS score
-output=..._fastaGenerates the replicates or filtered output in FASTA
-output=..._rphylipGenerates the -replicates or filtered output in a relaxed Phylip where names can be longuer than 10 char


Given an alignment file BB11001.aln, TCS outputs a file named BB11001.score_html that contains a color coded indicating the agreement between the library and the considered alignment. Red brick regions are in perfect transitive consistant relation between the library and the the input alignment, while blue regions have a very poor agreement. Red brick regions can safely be assumed to be trusted while blue regions should be discarted. Green and Yellow regions should also be used with caution, especially when reconstructing a tree or building a profile. The top of the output provides the average conistency (0-100) for each sequence, thus indicating wether some sequences may have a less reliable alignment. A score lower than 50 should be considered poor.

Besides .score_html, there are other detailed outputs:

  • score_ascii : contains ascii format for score_html.
  • score_pdf : will transfer score_html into pdf format.
  • sp_ascii : is a format reporting the TCS score of every aligned pair in the target MSA.
  • tcs_column_filter2 : outputs an MSA in which columns having ColumnTCS lower than 2 are removed.
  • tcs_weighted : outputs an MSA in which columns are duplicated according to their ColumnTCS weight.
  • tcs_replicate100 : outputs 100 replicate MSAs in which columns are randomly drawn according to their weights.


The full documentation is available HERE as part of the T-Coffee documentation.


structural validation phylogenetic validation


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Dr. Cedric Notredame, PhD.
Group Leader
Comparative Bioinformatics Group
Bioinformatics and Genomics Programme
Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Dr Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona
Phone: +34 933 160 271